Welcome to Solidres - A Complete Hotel Booking Solution for Joomla & WordPress

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Introducing 7Start, a new dedicated Joomla template for Solidres

While working with some of our clients for custom service development, we realized the need of having a dedicated template for Solidres, today we are proud to introduce 7Start, it is a template built specifically for the hospitality business and has a tight integration with Solidres. It is fully responsive and has many custom modules. It also offers 7 different colors for you to choose from.

The template is well suited for a hotel, it is built on the well-known Warp Framework. The template will help you build your site in no time to your liking with minimal effort.


  • 3 columns layout (left, center, right)
  • 7 predefined color styles
  • 20 Module positions, all module positions are fully collapsible
  • Social icons with FontAwesome
  • All features of Warp framework
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Bootstrap version: 2.3.0
  • Built-in CSS and Javascript Compression
  • Responsive layout

Highlights features of the template:

1. 7 color styles supported by default

There are up to 7 color styles that you can choose from.


2. Module Room Types

Bundled with module room types which automatically retrieves data from Solidres, it also show the lowest price of the room type, display room type’s images in a nice circle slider effect as well as showing room type’s description.

Solidres 0.4.2 released

Solidres 0.4.2 (Beta) has been released, this version fixes 2 bugs in 0.4.1, includes

  • Missing admin.min.js file
  • Fix PHP Notice error message in availability calendar

Useful links for you

Upgrade notes

To upgrade from 0.4.1, just download 0.4.2 and install it via Joomla Extension Installer, it will automatically overwrite previous version.

Solidres 0.4.1 released

Solidres 0.4.1 (Beta) has been released, this is not a stable version therefore it should not be used in production environment.

New features in 0.4.1 ares:

  • Multilingual support: Solidres is now integrated with Falang ( a JoomFish’s fork).
  • Availability calendar: you can view availability calendar for each room type, if a room is busy it will be indicated with red color in the calendar.
  • Ability to change the reservation status.
  • Media Manager improvements: drag & drop re-ordering, add Select/Deselect all button, add pagination.
  • Move the Simple Gallery into a separated plugin: this opens the possibility for developers to write their own gallery instead of hacking the core of Solidres.
  • Remove <table> completely for the front end of Solidres to improve the responsive of the layout.
  • Indicate Featured room type in the front end.
  • Ability to send email to the hotel owner when new reservation is made.
  • JS/CSS compression: core CSS and JS files of Solidres are now shipped with 2 version: compressed and un-compressed to improve your site loading speed.

Bugs fixed and improvements

  • Incorrect availability checking in case of booking same day.
  • Date picket displayed underneath field State when edit a Coupon.
  • Make Currency and Email a required field for Reservation Asset.
  • Customer groups: in 0.4 a new customer group (“General”) is added, it will be used for public customers, non-loggedin customer.
  • Trashed room type still displayed in the frontend.
  • Broken geocoding feature.
  • Url is not escaped correctly in the reservation form.
  • Better error handling and file name validation for media uploading.
  • Show full image of room type thumbnail in front end.
  • And many minor UI fixes.

Useful links for you

Upgrade notes

  • To upgrade from 0.3.0, just download 0.4.1 and install it via Joomla Extension Installer, it will automatically overwrite previous version.
  • You will need to re-enter all tariffs because of the changes in how Solidres handle customer groups.

Solidres 0.3.0 released

Solidres 0.3.0 (Beta) has been released, this is not a stable version therefore it should not be used in production environment.

New features in 0.3.0 ares:

  • Improve reservation listing view in backend
  • Add checkbox “Agree to policy” in reservation form
  • Add check for customer group and booking valid from/to for coupon usage
  • Add Reservation Note feature
  • Replace Zend_Currency with a new implementation (which significantly reduce the total size of Solidres package to under 2MB )
  • Replace deprecated method query() with execute() for forward compatible with Joomla

Bugs fixed and improvements

  • Package un-installation does not remove sample media files
  • Incorrect coupon valid date comparison
  • Load states based on selected country in reservation form
  • Customer info in sample data does not has correct user group
  • Fix issue with some reservation fields are not saved correctly
  • Currency now is configured per hotel
  • Translate missing string when install sample media
  • Fix issue with switching currency in frontend
  • Many language’s improvements

Useful links for you

Solidres 0.2.0 released

Almost a month after the release of 0.1.0, we are happy to announce Solidres 0.2.0 (Beta) is available for testing now, this is not a stable version therefore it should not be used in production environment.

New features in 0.2.0 ares:

  • Auto update feature
  • Update Swift Mailer from 4.1.6 to 4.2.2
  • Use Icomoon icons for side navigation bar
  • Social networks selections in custom fields
  • Improve responsive layout (work best with 3rd templates based on Twitter Bootstrap)
  • Installation landing page
  • Upgrade jQuery UI from 1.8.23 to 1.9.2
  • Ability to override Solidres’s CSS from 3rd templates

Bugs fixed and improvements

  • Sending emails based on Joomla email configuration
  • jQuery conflicts with 3rd templates
  • Zend_Currency no locale found
  • Backend form saving failed with dynamically inserted element
  • Hard coded table prefix for PostgreSQL installation sql script
  • Coupon date comparision issue

Useful links for you

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