Welcome to Solidres - A Complete Hotel Booking Solution for Joomla & WordPress

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New feature highlight: Associated accommodation

Experience plugin - Associated accommodation

Since Experience v0.7.0 release, we added a new feature to show associated accommodations for an experience (tour & activity). You can edit your experience item, in tab Publishing select accommodations that are associated with your experience items, then in front end of your experience item, each accommodation will be displayed as a separated tab which shows some basic information about the accommodation.

New feature highlight: Joomla dashboard for hospitality industry

Joomla dashboard for hospitality industry

Now it’s time to turn your Joomla dashboard with full of default and boring stuffs into something that is useful and tailored for your business. With a combination of our Statistics plugin + Quick Search module + Clocks module, you can configure a professional dashboard like above screenshot. All latest versions of our template quickstart packages are also configured with new dashboard layout and you can start using it without having to configure anything.

New feature highlight: Embedded check availability form

Embedded check availability form

It is a new feature for Hub plugin: Embedded Check Availability form. Now Hub owner can allow partner to embed a check availability form into partner’s external sites, the embedded form will forward all booking request to Hub site and forwarded guests will complete reservation in Hub site instead of partner’s external site. This is not only a great way to increase traffic and revenue for Hub site but also a convenient way for partner to have an internet booking engine integrated in their site.

New feature highlight: Flex Search plugin

Flex Search plugin

This new Solidres for Joomla plugin automatically suggest alternative available dates for your guest if their searched dates are unavailable, it provides significant improvements for both owners and guests: owners have a greater opportunity to retain guests instead of losing them while guests can choose another dates to stay at their favorite accommodations instead of having to spend their valuable time to find another one.

In the initial release, when guest’s searched dates are not available, Flex Search will find other available dates by increase guest’s check in and decrease guest’s check out and record available dates to show in front end. In the plugin parameters, you can adjust how far Flex Search should search and what how many length of stay you want to show in front end. Note that this plugin does not perform an exhausted search because it’d affect your site performance. We will add more search strategy in subsequent releases.

Restaurant Management System (RMS) 1.0.0 released

Solidres Restaurant Management System (RMS)

We’d like to welcome Restaurant Management System (RMS) as a new member in our family, as the name says, this new extension provide a simple yet powerful solution for those who is looking for a solid and ready to use solution for both independent restaurant and hotel restaurant. We also developed a dedicated and exclusive Joomla template called Brandy which is highly optimized for RMS, this template comes with a quick start package which can help you to get your restaurant website started in several minutes with minimum configuration needed.

To celebrate the new family member, we’d like to give a 30% discount coupon for all users, you can use this coupon code to subscribe RMS and RMS Brandy Joomla Template: SOLIDRESRMS. This coupon code is valid from today until July 31 2017.

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