We are very happy to announce the first stable release of Solidres for WordPress v0.2.0. Since the initial release v0.1.0 Beta, we’ve received a lot of feedback, bug reports and encouragement from our users and this release is the result of all hard works that we’ve committed since then.
In comparison to v0.1.0 Beta, v0.2.0 can be considered as a huge refactoring of our plugin structure to utilize WordPress API better. At this stage, Solidres for WordPress v0.2.0 has most of the features that Solidres for Joomla 0.9.4 is having, there are some missing features like backend reservation creation etc which we are working on for the next release.
In addition to this release, we also release 10 commercial plugins for WordPress subscriber: Advanced Extra, Complex Tariff, Currency, Discount, Invoice, Limit Booking, Offline, Paypal, Statistics, User. To download them you need to subscribe the SINGLE subscription level for WordPress. In the upcoming months we will working on all missing features and convert Joomla templates to WordPress themes one by one, please stay tuned.
This release marks an important milestone for Solidres project, we are strongly committed to provide a solid hotel booking solution for Joomla and WordPress which are the most popular open source CMS in the world.
The first release for Solidres in 2016 is now available, this is mostly a maintenance release which fixing several bugs to improve the stability of Solidres and plugins while adding some minor new features.
Solidres 0.9.4
New feature: add horizontal layout for Check Availability module
Improvement: show discounted price and original price at the same time for easy comparision
Improvement: add option to fix javascript conflict between jQuery and Mootools. You can turn it on when the Carousel not working as expected
Improvement: now showing asset’s alias in hub search results links
Fix amending reservation in front end that duplicate reservation
Fix subscription menu automatically show up in back end when hub plugin is not installed
Fix missing language string for Hub config and improve de-DE translation
Fix incorrect time interval for live refresh feature
Fix check availability break when multiples instances displayed in the same page
Hide description tab when asset’s description is empty
Fix JS regression for front end form validation
Fix asset reordering issue that reset the asset default state
Fix geocomplete feature that does not populate asset’s coordinates automatically
Fix check in and check out date validation in hub search
Fix page is refreshed when clicking on busy date in availability calendar
Improve support for Channel Manager (currently in beta)
User plugin v0.9.5
New feature: add support for front end log in box, guest can log in while making reservation with Solidres, there is no need to use Joomla log in module.
Fix saving empty user’s state
Offline plugin v0.2.0
New feature: add ability to configure accepted credit card
Fix PHP warning messages
Fix JS regression for form validation
Improve card validation rules
Statistics plugin v0.4.1
Fix dependency with Limit Booking plugin
Fix issue when modal windows can not be closed when selection multiple rooms
Download 0.9.4 and install using Joomla Extension Installer, it will automatically update your current version. Or you can update using the built-in Joomla Updater.
If you are subscribers, please make sure all plugins/modules are re-installed for best compatibility with new version.
If you are using a 3rd templates that have override files for Solidres, make sure they are compatible with new version.
Channel Manager for Solidres, one of the most wanted feature is now available for beta testing. The feature is provided by the integration between Solidres and MyAllocator. The beta testing is available for all active subscribers, for more information how to join please create a new support ticket and we will work directly with you.
After the beta testing is completed, the Channel Manager will require a separated subscription level, the pricing is not yet determined but it will be very competitive. All beta testers will receive a big discount as a reward.
We’d love to announce our Black Friday and Cyber Monday discount 2015. To get the 20% discount, please use coupon code BLACKFRIDAY2015 while subscribing or renewing. This coupon code is valid from today to the end of next Tuesday (01 Dec 2015) and it is applied to all subscription levels.
We are happy to announce the release of Solidres v0.9.3, this is a maintenance release with several new features. We also release 2 brand new plugins: Currency (for setting automatic currency rate update) & TripConnect (for those who want to join our Beta program for TripAdvisor Instant Booking), the 2 new plugins are available for all active subscribers. Last but not least, we also introduce 03 major new features for Hub plugin: Subscription (allow you to charge your partners for listing asset in your site), Commission (set up commission rates and calculate the commission so that you can charge your partners later) and Asset Approval (admin will review submitted assets and allow them to be published or not), these new features offer Solidres users a variety of ways to generate income.
Solidres v0.9.3
New feature: New update notification in side bar and System page. Next to the version number in the top of side navigation bar in backend, you will see a new icon, when new Solidres version is released, this icon will change and include a link to Joomla updater screen which allow you to upgrade.
New feature: New reservations which is not checked by admin will be showed as unread. There is a new option “Reservation live refresh”, when turned on Solidres will automatically detect for the number of unread reservations and show that number in the side navigation bar so that you can get notified easily (beside emails).
New feature: New field “Origin” is added to reservation table, it allows you to note where this reservation comes from (direct booking, phone, email, channels etc)
The reservation edit screen is refined, allow editing and linking more fields.
Fix an issue when the stay length is not calculated correctly
Fix some language installation
Mark standard tariff as optional when Complex Tariff plugin is installed
Add French translation for Check Availability module
Fix Google Plus link text in emails templates
Fix child quantity drop down which show incorrect quantity
Fix HTTP/HTTPS issue with map marker.
Hub plugin v0.5.0
New feature: Subscription
New feature: Commission
New feature: Asset Approval
New feature: Support Joomla access levels for asset
New feature: Add search box for media manager
Fix pagination issue when menu is configured to show assets from certain location or categories
Fix JS error related to Statistics plugin
Fix search results does not take room occupancy options into calculation
Fix issue with array dereferencing that PHP 5.3 does not support
Fix check in and check out dates validation
Currency plugin v0.1.0
Support automatic update currency exchange rate (with one click button in backend or via cron job/schedule task)
TripConnect v0.1.0 (for Beta testing, if you want to join please contact us via email)
Allows hotel to participate in TripAdvisor Instant Booking.
Download 0.9.3 and install using Joomla Extension Installer, it will automatically update your current version. Or you can update using the built-in Joomla Updater.
If you are subscribers, please make sure all plugins/modules are re-installed for best compatibility with new version.
If you are using a 3rd templates that have override files for Solidres, make sure they are compatible with new version.