Welcome to Solidres - A Complete Hotel Booking Solution for Joomla & WordPress

Solidres for WordPress v0.3.0 and Solidres for Joomla v1.1.0 are released

We are happy to announce the availability of Solidres for WordPress v0.3.0 and Solidres for Joomla v1.1.0, change log can be found below:

Solidres for WordPress v0.3.0

  • Add better support for apartment/villas booking when there is only 01 quantity, now you can replace the quantity dropdown with a single button, you can also hide the room form so that guest can book directly too.
  • Add support for front end log in box (for User plugin)
  • Add live unread reservation count
  • Add inline change state for reservation listing view
  • Add option to show/hide the front end asset’s custom fields (Facilities, Policies)
  • Add calendar icon for front end date picker fields
  • Add check to see whether your server has full support for Paypal new requirement
  • Add check availability form for asset view
  • Increase the size of map modal in front end
  • Fix reservation start over link
  • Fix issue that break WP post’s feature image functionality
  • Fix reservation ordering in backend
  • Fix default values for date format
  • Fix issue when unpublished country still showed in front end
  • Fix issue when date picker does not handle min/max night constraint properly
  • Fix min people and max people constraint in room type form
  • Fix issue with currency exchange
  • Fix loading tariffs according to customer group (for Complex Tariff plugin)

Solidres for Joomla v1.1.0

  • Fix simple gallery does not display photo in modal
  • Fix map modal compatibility with some template providers
  • Fix state list that does not take country_id into consideration
  • Fix unpublished states are still showed
  • Fix incorrect model state values for Discount list view

For Joomla users, we also release Custom Field plugin v1.1.0 and User plugin v1.1.0 which fix several issue from previous version, detailed change log for these plugins is available in the download page.

Useful links for you

Update notes

Solidres v1.0.0 released

Emerald Joomla Template

We’ve reached a new important milestone for our project: Solidres v1.0.0 for Joomla is now officially available for download with many exciting new features and a brand new template, let go through each of them below:

New features:

  • Better support for apartment/villas booking: most of the time in apartment and villas booking, guest don’t need to choose the quantity because it is always 1, now you can configure to replace the quantity drop down with a single button for easier booking. Also there is a new option to completely hide the room form in front end if you don’t want it, without the room form, guest will be redirected to reservation step 2 immediately. Faster booking, happier guest.
  • Each asset now has its own check availability form, it can be helpful when you don’t want to use Check Availability module or you want to hide the front end tariffs
  • Front end asset social networks now uses font icons instead of images
  • Add new search tools for all list view
  • New backend navigation bar with collapsible ability and better responsive
  • Add option to mark room type’s guest name as an optional field
  • Add option to show/hide Facilities / Policies sections in front end.
  • Add file verification feature to detect changed/removed/new Solidres files.
  • Add ability to override pricing when amend/create reservations
  • Add ability to record customer’s IP when they make reservation.
  • Add Font Awesome library

Bug fixes:

  • Show message when min/max people constraint in complex tariff are not satisfied
  • Fix single supplement with standard tariff
  • Fix trashed reservation displayed in My Reservation list
  • Auto convert double quote in asset’s name to single quotes
  • Fix currency exchange issue
  • Fix issue that asset’s partner can not be removed
  • Fix PHP Fatal when amending reservation in some rare cases
  • Fix various PHP notices messages
  • Remove the language field in room type Publishing tab because it is not used.
  • Fix max day/night constraint in date picker in some cases


  • Remove all words “Manage” or “List” in menu’s text
  • Upgrade latest version for some 3rd libraries bundled with Solidres
  • Add/refine various internal notices in backend and front end for clearer meaning.
  • Turn off multilingual mode by default (for new installations)
  • Make map display in bigger modal windows for easier navigation.
  • Show date picker in popup instead of inline

New template and plugins/modules:

  • Emerald: our latest (and the 7th) Joomla template is now join our Joomla template family. It is a full responsive and modern-style template with built-in 5 colors. The quickstart packages is bundled with the latest version of Solidres (+ plugins) and Joomla 3.5.1. It also the first template that uses our new Vegas slideshow module to provide a full screen slideshow.
  • Custom Field plugin: many Solidres users request to have a feature where they can add/remove the current form fields, especially in reservation step 2. With this new plugin, you will have a dedicated UI to do that without having to make a template override like before.
  • SMS plugin: hotel’s owner can configure to receive SMS whenever a new reservation is made with this new plugin.
  • ACL plugin: as an administrator or hotel owner, you want to restrict your hotel’s staffs to specific features in the backend, for example you only want to allow your receptionist to access the backend reservation menu only and you don’t want them to access other sections like assets/room types? This plugin is what you need for these kind of tasks.
  • Vegas Slideshow module
Complex Tariff plugin v0.6.0:
  • Support entering tariff daily
  • Add validation rule and default values for min/max length of stay
  • Improve ajax loading indicators
Feedback plugin v0.4.0:
  • Replace the bundle Font Awesome with the new Solidres’s Font Awesome
  • Add new search tools for all list views
Hub plugin v0.6.0:
  • Add live unread reservation count in front end dashboard
  • Add sharing feature
  • Add favorite feature
  • Add new search tools for all list views
  • Add support for custom field and single supplement in front end dashboard
  • Replace the bundled Font Awesome with Solidres’s Font Awesome
  • Fix modal window broken after change Grid/List views
  • Show max occupancy in front end if applicable
  • Remove dependency with Limit Booking plugin
Advanced Search module v0.5.0:
  • Add support for Bootstrap 3 when TypeAhead library is not included
  • Allow multiple instances in the same page
Assets module v0.3.0:
  • Add display type options: grid & list
Location Map module v0.3.0:
  • Improve responsive for map placeholder
My Recent Searches module v0.2.0:
  • Fix PHP notices
  • Add module class suffix support
Invoice plugin v0.4.0:
  • Fix Google Plus link in outgoing emails
  • Add dejavusans and freeserif fonts to support more languages
Limit Booking plugin v0.4.0:
  • Add default values for valid from/to fields
Load Module plugin v0.2.0:
  • Fix issue when this plugin stop processing if asset has no description
Camera Slideshow module v0.2.0:
  • Fix issue with RTL languages
Camera Slideshow plugin v0.2.0:
  • Fix issue with RTL language
  • Fix issue with map modal window
Paypal plugin v0.5.0:
  • Fix reservation payment status is not updated after successful payment in some rare cases
Statistics plugin v0.5.0:
  • Fix issue that can not choose 1 date for limit booking
User plugin v1.0.0:
  • Automatically detect guest’s country
  • My reservation page: show map in modal window.
  • New page to display customer’s wish list
  • Fix redirection issue when cancelling a reservation
  • Fix redirection issue when clicking on close button
  • Correct prices in my reservation view

Last but not least, we are developing a brand new plugin for Tour booking, please stay tuned!

Useful links for you

Update notes

Solidres for Joomla v1.0.0 development updates

Solidres v1.0.0, the next major release of Solidres for Joomla is planned to be released in April 2016. This is an interesting release because we’ve refactored a lot of code in the background to increase the modularity and flexibility of our product while adding many new features in the top. Some of the highlights are:

  • A brand new template
  • Complex Tariff plugin: now user can add tariff per date in addition to per week. This will simplify the process of creating tariff in some scenarios a lot.
  • Custom Field plugin: many Solidres users request to have a feature where they can add/remove the current form fields, especially in reservation step 2. With this new plugin, you will have a dedicated UI to do that without having to make a template override like before.
  • SMS plugin: hotel’s owner can configure to receive SMS whenever a new reservation is made with this new plugin.
  • ACL plugin: as an administrator or hotel owner, you want to restrict your hotel’s staffs to specific features in the backend, for example you only want to allow your receptionist to access the backend reservation menu only and you don’t want them to access other sections like assets/room types? This plugin is what you need for these kind of tasks.

And the good news is … this is not the completed list, there are still many interesting new features that we will disclose when it is released officially, so please stay tuned.

Solidres 0.9.4 released

The first release for Solidres in 2016 is now available, this is mostly a maintenance release which fixing several bugs to improve the stability of Solidres and plugins while adding some minor new features.

Solidres 0.9.4
  • New feature: add horizontal layout for Check Availability module
  • Improvement: show discounted price and original price at the same time for easy comparision
  • Improvement: add option to fix javascript conflict between jQuery and Mootools. You can turn it on when the Carousel not working as expected
  • Improvement: now showing asset’s alias in hub search results links
  • Fix amending reservation in front end that duplicate reservation
  • Fix subscription menu automatically show up in back end when hub plugin is not installed
  • Fix missing language string for Hub config and improve de-DE translation
  • Fix incorrect time interval for live refresh feature
  • Fix check availability break when multiples instances displayed in the same page
  • Hide description tab when asset’s description is empty
  • Fix JS regression for front end form validation
  • Fix asset reordering issue that reset the asset default state
  • Fix geocomplete feature that does not populate asset’s coordinates automatically
  • Fix check in and check out date validation in hub search
  • Fix page is refreshed when clicking on busy date in availability calendar
Hub plugin v0.5.1
  • Fix compatibility issue with PHP 5.3
  • Fix missing xref_id column in SQL file
  • Fix valid subscription check
  • Fix incorrect coupon field name
  • Fix inline reservation edit
  • Add missing reservation note commission email template
Complex Tariff plugin 0.5.1
  • Fix JS error related when creating new room type
  • Align right for price fields
  • Improve support for Channel Manager (currently in beta)
User plugin v0.9.5
  • New feature: add support for front end log in box, guest can log in while making reservation with Solidres, there is no need to use Joomla log in module.
  • Fix saving empty user’s state
Offline plugin v0.2.0
  • New feature: add ability to configure accepted credit card
  • Fix PHP warning messages
  • Fix JS regression for form validation
  • Improve card validation rules
Statistics plugin v0.4.1
  • Fix dependency with Limit Booking plugin
  • Fix issue when modal windows can not be closed when selection multiple rooms
  • Fix reservation link in backend dashboard
  • Allow 3rd template to override colorbox

Useful links for you

Update notes

  • Backup your website (files + database).
  • Download 0.9.4 and install using Joomla Extension Installer, it will automatically update your current version. Or you can update using the built-in Joomla Updater.
  • If you are subscribers, please make sure all plugins/modules are re-installed for best compatibility with new version.
  • If you are using a 3rd templates that have override files for Solidres, make sure they are compatible with new version.

Channel manager for Solidres is now available (Beta)

Channel Manager feature for Solidres

Channel Manager for Solidres, one of the most wanted feature is now available for beta testing. The feature is provided by the integration between Solidres and MyAllocator. The beta testing is available for all active subscribers, for more information how to join please create a new support ticket and we will work directly with you.

After the beta testing is completed, the Channel Manager will require a separated subscription level, the pricing is not yet determined but it will be very competitive. All beta testers will receive a big discount as a reward.

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