Solidres 3.3.0 BETA released
Solidres 3.3.0 BETA is now available for download, it is the major release with new features and bug fixes. Since it is a BETA release, please use it for testing only, do not install it in your live site. Please find the change log below:
Solidres 3.3.0 BETA
- New feature: Inline check availability form in property now allows specifying available dates. If your property is configure to show the Inline check availability form, there will be a new field Available dates shows up so you can select the specific dates to be available for selection in frontend
- New feature: Dynamic deposit for property. With this new feature it is now possible to set different deposit amounts based on the distance between the reservation date and the arrival date
- Fix different missing translations issues
- Wishlist: fix incorrect room type max occupancy + layout improvement
- Backend reservation: fix JS error Uncaught TypeError: breakdown_trigger.attr(…) is undefined
- Email: custom fields are divided into 2 columns incorrectly with uneven number of fields
- Reservation customer details: fix missing padding when Custom Field plugin is not installed
- Inquiry form: fix responsive issue when the form width is too narrow in small screen devices
- Warning expired session modal: click on the modal close icon should close the modal only, do not reload the page
- Enforce the children ages input to be in descending order
- Simple gallery: fix property image scaling issue
- Fix several PHP warning messages
Hub 1.18.0
- New feature: Add 03 new search results ordering (Guest number / Bedroom number / Price)
- Filter: fix random tag ordering issue
- Filter: fix tag shows all when menu item is set to show specific country properties
- Filter: fix tag selection failed when it is translated using Falang
- Search page: show the total found properties, not first page found property number
- Search page: the sorting section in small screens must be closed after clicking
- CSS cleanup
- Commission: base cost does not include discounted amount
- Fix translation issue in partner dashboard
- Subscription: UserFactory not set in Joomla\Component\Users\Site\Model\RegistrationModel
- Scheduled task: fix failed task with error Invalid JSON (related to missing customer email record)
- Partner dashboard: add new reservation failed because of JS error Joomla.getOptions() is undefined
Experience 1.11.2
- Available date picker (format = dropdown): fix incorrect time zone issue
- SEF: view-expcategories page not load & view=experience 404 not found
- Backend reservation: fix same date booking issue + no child input
- Fix various translation issue
- Backend > Experience > Available dates tab: selected dates are reverted when the left arrow is clicked multiple times
- Experience reservation edit view: Preview button did not work
Experience Invoice 0.9.6
- Invoice number prefix format is not parsed correctly
Invoice and PDF 1.7.4
- Invoice list view: fix incorrect grand total because of null values
- Improve responsiveness for invoices list view
- Add new nl-NL translation
iCal 2.0.4
- Fix broken sync when Invoice plugin is not available
Advanced Search module 1.5.2
- Child age inputs are now required to be entered in descending order
Filter module 1.1.0
- Add new Reset button to reset the selected filters
- Code cleanup
- Fix the number of found properties
Useful links for you
- Download:
- Online demo:
- Forum for discussion, bug report or questions:
- Documentation:
- Frequently Asked Questions:
Update notes
- Check our documentation for more details about upgrade notes
- Make sure that you install Dompdf plugin as it is required for all PDF functionality since v2.8.0. Old Tcpdf is unsupported now.
- Solidres is now required PHP 8.1+ and Joomla 5.1+. Please make sure that you upgrade your PHP version first before upgrading to new Solidres version.
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